A winter exhibition dedicated to the most beautiful materials.
Wood, silver, linen, clay and many more materials are the foundation of the beautiful work by artists from Ayrshire in Scotland, Wiesbaden, Potsdam, Leipzig, Lübeck and more. For the second time, they are gathering at the Robbe & Berking Museum in Flensburg to be part of the Winterwerft. 30 selected artists will present and sell their work in a large festive exhibition in Northern Europe`s center for classic yachts at the Flensburg fjord. The exhibition will be open from November 12, 2021 to January 30, 2022.
Opening times
Tuesday – Sunday 11.00 – 17.00
Monday closed
Admission prices
4 Euro
Beginning November 22, 2021, the 2-G rule will apply to admissions.
Liste der Künstlerinnen und Künstler
- Suse Albrecht http://www.goldschmiede-strande.de/
- Anne Andersson https://www.elblinnen.de/
- Mandy Berwanger https://www.bondolos.com/
- Anja & Gregor Bette https://www.bette-schmuck.com/
- Claudia Christl https://www.cchristl.com/
- Katja De Vries https://www.gestaltung-und-holz.de/
- Karl Decker https://www.decker-luebeck.de/
- Antje Dienstbir http://www.dienstbir.de/
- Annekatrin Döll https://www.rothoell.com/
- Kaisa Duus http://www.kaisaduus.de/
- Rotraut Fischer-Plickat https://www.rotraut-fischer.de/
- Hendrik Hinrichs https://www.hendrikhinrichs.de/
- Silke Lazarevic https://silke-schmuck.de/
- Beate Leonards https://www.beateleonards.com/
- Christian Masche https://masche-fountain-pens.de/
- Francesco Mazuhn https://www.nordicwoolfactory.com/
- Thomas Pildner https://www.thomas-pildner.de/
- Frank Pressentin https://elbwood.de/
- Nada Quenzel https://www.nadaquenzel.de/
- Caroline Rügge https://galeriewerkstatt-ruegge.de/
- Astrid Schessner http://www.tat-ort.com/
- Heinrich Andreas Schilling http://www.h-a-schilling.de/
- Richard Schillings https://www.richard-schillings.de/
- Brigitta Schrader https://birgittaschrader.de/
- Ulrike Scriba https://artaurea.de/profiles/scriba-ulrike/
- Hubert Steffe http://schnittstelle2.de/
- Ann-Christin Urbarz https://www.farbulanz.de/ueber-mich/
- Sabine Wagner https://sabine-wagner.com/
- Trude Wendelstein http://www.trudewendelstein.de/
- Claudia Westhaus https://www.westhaus-schmuck.de/
- Susanne Wetzel https://www.viecheria.de/
Visit also our gallerists
- Alastair Houston https://www.alastairhouston.com/
- Susanne Westphal https://www.susanne-westphal.com/
- Ines Ramm https://www.inesramm.de/
- Heinke Böhnert https://segelbild.de/
- Wübke Rohlfs Grigull https://www.rohlfs-grigull.de/